Leveraging Our V-Tools
Our V-Tools in Action
1. Set goals or objectives for why you are using v-tools (e.g., create talent map, improve employee engagement, address a specific problem) and, where relevant, measure to establish baseline data for comparative purposes (e.g., absenteeism - # of missed workdays; harassment - # of complaints, etc.).
2. Play game & receive diagnostics. Reports automatically produced for individual players, but can also be produced at aggregate levels for teams or clusters.
3. Review & design learning plan (individual/team). A blended learning approach recommended so players have the opportunity to discuss gameplay & decisions - conversation can be highly constructive & an integral part of the training & development learnings.
4. Undertake training & development (individual/team) to address weaknesses, gaps and/or corporate priorities.
5. Replay & reassess for growth and progress. Depending on outcome desired a number of tools could be employed to ascertain if player/team has improved, in addition to game replay, which allows for comparison against the inaugural diagnostic. Additional tools could include peers/team feedback (surveys, 360, etc), “real situation” tests, and client feedback.
6. (Re)Assess & measure overall impact & improvement against corporate goals or objectives.